Move over My Single Friend and, here comes!
So if you love your music and can’t get enough of gigs and live events then you are probably put off by the idea of dating someone with no taste,bad taste or just no interest in music. These people do exist, apparently! Being a music snob myself I would not consider dating someone unless they were seriously into their tunes man!
So this great new site has been born: The idea is that you choose people to date because of their music taste. It is linked to your account so it takes your likes from there but you can delete these if they make you look like a loser and add as many new ones as you like. It also links to facebook so you can choose some pictures for your photo gallery from there and the best thing is - it's free!
You can also add a link to your favourite song on youtube or to a favourite website to show potential dates what you are into.
I think it's a winner and already have 3 dates lined up with people who have great taste in music, get in there!