Wednesday, 16 June 2010

4OD documentaries

I've been loving watching documentaries online. Channel 4 leave them there for a while unlike the BBC.

I've been watching the Unreported World series which presents issues from around the world. I watched Albino United the other day which was pretty harrowing but uplifting at the same time.

In Tanzania people hunt albinos for their bones to sell to witchdoctors who use them in potions to encourage prosperity. It's so sick. A four year old girl was killed for one of her legs.

Albino United are an all albino football team that go around the country playing football and promoting equal rights for albinos. They show the nation that they are just the same as everybody else and deserve to be treated right. It was really great to see the response of the people and it shows that progress is happening slowly there.

Anyway, there are loads to watch so check it out:


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